Benefits and Use-cases of HR Automation

Benefits and Use-cases of HR Automation

HR departments play a crucial role in every company, but they often face challenges with routine tasks such as managing employee relations, recruitment, onboarding, payroll and benefits enrollment. To boost efficiency, HR teams require automation tools to handle these tasks effectively.

HR automation frees up valuable time for HR teams, allowing them to focus on more strategic issues. However, when digitally transforming your organization, it’s crucial to strike a balance between automation and providing human support for employees.  Be mindful of the HR workload to ensure a smooth transition. Companies are increasingly using automation for tasks like payroll, job interviews, resume screening and onboarding new employees.

In a recent survey conducted by Gartner, approx 50% of HR leaders identified HR automation technology as their top investment priority.

If you are curious to learn and implement HR automation technology to make your HR processes easier, this guide is for you.

Unveiling the Value: Analyzing Tone & Expression in Chatbots

Unveiling the Value: Analyzing Tone & Expression in Chatbots

In today’s era of technology, we have witnessed a transformation in how businesses operate. The traditional approach to customer support where phone calls were the means of communication has now given way to a landscape where live chat and AI-powered chatbots play a crucial role.

These live chatbots are remarkable for their ability to address customer inquiries promptly. However, it is no longer enough to focus on speed to ensure customer satisfaction. Emotion detection in AI chat is essential to building strong customer relationships.

How to Integrate your chatbot with Zoho using SmatBot?

How to Integrate your chatbot with Zoho using SmatBot?

Chatbot and Zoho CRM integration will help you boost your sales game. With this integration, you can streamline your interactions with customers, automate time-consuming tasks, and close deals faster than ever before. 

So, if you’re looking for ways to integrate your chatbots with Zoho, this guide is all you need.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to integrate your chatbot with Zoho using SmatBot. 

Now, let me give you a quick overview of SmatBot:

10 Powerful Use Cases of Chatbots in the Educational Institute 

10 Powerful Use Cases of Chatbots in the Educational Institute 

Nowadays, chatbots have become increasingly popular in various industries, including education. Educational institutions worldwide are adopting chatbots to help automate and streamline tasks such as student support, admissions, and enrollment. 

As per statistics, approximately 37% of students use these chatbots to get quick answers. And the global chatbot market will be valued at more than $2,485.7 million by 2028.

Educational chatbots can handle countless tasks, including answering student queries, assisting with course registration, and more. They can also free up staff members to focus on other complex and crucial tasks.

How can you automate your business process with a chatbot

How can you automate your business process with a chatbot

Today, if you visit any website, you’ll probably find a chatbot there. Over 80% of online users have had some sort of interaction with a bot, which demonstrates that businesses employ chatbots not just because everyone else is doing so or because it’s the latest craze, but because they really help consumers. Chatbots are also a great way to automate business processes and make them more efficient.

Case Study – How we Deployed Login with WhatsApp for a Client

Case Study – How we Deployed Login with WhatsApp for a Client

Imagine you are about to make a purchase online, and your checkout process involves a username, password. It seems like an easy task. But what if you had to do it every day? 

Even small tasks can make you feel tedious after several repetitions. That’s why many e-commerce stores are now implementing “login with WhatsApp” functionality to automatically redirect visitors to their app’s dashboard without needing to fill out lengthy signup forms.
