How WhatsApp Business API can Benefit Businesses.

How WhatsApp Business API can Benefit Businesses.

The WhatsApp Business API offers businesses a way to build an integration with the messaging app and access its massive user base. With this, business owners can reach out to their customers in real-time, engage them, and interact with them in ways that were not available before.

The WhatsApp Business API can help you build new revenue streams by allowing you to create custom content for your customers and send them promotional offers. It also allows you to send notifications about orders or sales and monitor customer activities throughout the day.

How to Boost Conversions Using WhatsApp Business API

How to Boost Conversions Using WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API empowers marketers to utilize the power of WhatsApp features fully.

WhatsApp has 2 billion active users, and it can instantly reach a broad set of global audiences. It’s become a must-have marketing platform for marketers to opt for. 

To illustrate, WhatsApp has an open rate of 98% and up to 60% CTR(Click Through Rate). No doubt, it’s a most productive channel for marketers. Whereas for SMS and email, the CTR rate is 2-5%, which is comparatively very less when compared with WhatsApp. 

WhatsApp Business Statistics That Every Marketer Must Know

WhatsApp Business Statistics That Every Marketer Must Know

WhatsApp marketing is not an option for today’s businesses, and it’s become de rigueur for marketers to opt for WhatsApp business to gain the race.

To prove the above statement, we have collected some WhatsApp statistics demonstrating how critical WhatsApp marketing is for your business in 2022 and beyond. Though the list of Whatsapp benefits statistics is never-ending, we have still pointed out some common uses for all industries. 
